Hugh Simpson (Contractors) Ltd HSEQ management system underwent a scrupulous verification process aligned with the PAS91 and received Acclaim accreditation as a result of successful application. Acclaim Accreditation is widely recognised Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) member scheme. Being accredited gives our partners confidence that our products and services are delivered in considerate and safe manner.
To go a step further we have joined Constructionline procurement and supplier management data base and achieved Gold member status. This accreditation confirms that not only we comply with Health & Safety legislation, but also excel in such areas as Modern slavery, Anti-bribery and Corruption, and Equal opportunities.
By achieving these accreditations we have raised the professional standard of our organisation in governance and risk management.
If you`re interested in more detail- see the information on Constructionline website.
See the Constructionline Gold member accreditation certificate
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